Tuesday, 14 April 2015

First CPR Attempt!

I made the first attempt of CPR in my life. It wasn't an official one though. The doctors and nurses where attempting it on this patient who had a cardiac arrest. As they took turns, a medical officer saw us standing nearby observing. He asked if we would like to try and we thought it was a good opportunity for an experience, so we tried. I guess they had half given up, which was probably why they allow us little newbies to perform. I was the last one to perform on the patient, as the family member of the patient later said that we may stop the resuscitation. I could somehow feel for the family member. He seemed to be ready for this moment. There was some dullness in his eyes, and I felt the compassion towards him. So slowly, I went up to him and said, "I'm sorry for your loss, pak cik."